As leaders, we must be aware of unintended impact

As leaders, we must be aware of unintended impact

One day a few years ago, I sat at my desk and noticed a small yellow jar next to my keyboard. I picked it up for a closer inspection and realized it was eye cream. I work in an open office, but oddly enough, when I found the little yellow jar, no one was around for me...

Your Field of Dreams Office Podcast

It seems to me that many business owners and executives are struggling with a similar issue today – how to create the right office environment  to satisfy the changing paradigm of employee desires and engagement that ultimately leads to increased productivity....
As leaders, we must be aware of unintended impact

As leaders, we need to better promote relational work

Nine years ago, I was about eight weeks pregnant with my twin boys and found myself standing in the grocery store’s pharmacy section, looking for some vitamins my doctor suggested. I told the pharmacist what I was looking for, and as she came to help me find it, she...
As leaders, we must be aware of unintended impact

Welcome your employee’s full being into the office

One day this summer, I had been in the office a few hours when I was startled by a small human with Heelys shoes rolling past my desk. I turned around and said to my colleague, “I had no idea your daughter was here today!” She had been reading and coloring in our...