3 ways to be designerly even if you’re not a designer

Restrooms, they’re no joke in the workplace

Poopy pants. You smiled when you read that, right? Potty humor—everyone secretly loves it, especially 3-year-olds, moreover my 3-year-old. I can be explaining my perspective on a presidential candidate’s stance on foreign trade policy or even simply why it’s important...
3 ways to be designerly even if you’re not a designer

Consolidating office space can have an element of fun

I basically live in a fraternity house at home. I live with two 5-year-olds and a 3-year-old—all boys. Also hanging around are my husband and the dog, also boys. So, I generally live by the motto: If you can’t beat them, join them. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not starting...
3 ways to be designerly even if you’re not a designer

We have to hold our yoga class outside!

A few weeks ago, I was sitting in my office, listening to the cold November sleet on the roof. Through the miracle of modern-day technology, I was conducting a face-to-face interview with one of our client’s employees. This particular organization was in a state with...
3 ways to be designerly even if you’re not a designer

In office spaces, loud is the new quite

I moved to Indy in 2005 and attended my first Indianapolis 500 in May 2006. I think the start of that race was the loudest moment I have ever experienced in my life. It was so loud I could feel it inside my body. We had to wear ear protection, and by the end of the...